November 1, 2023 at 4:00:00 PM
Although we experienced a rather wet spring, summer and fall, we had several visitors from across the
states to visit Gen. Wait’s Home. It is always a pleasure to welcome folks to our Valley and find out they
have some relation to Gen. Wait or other former residents of days gone by. It is even better when we can
pass on to them information to add to their research of an ancestor.
We have also had a few donated items to add to our archival collection which belonged to former
The word we have been waiting for: The Gen. Wait House property will remain in the ownership of our
Town and as of October 23rd
, the Selectboard adopted bylaws for the creation of “The Gen. Wait House
Commission”. This Commission is “to support the Town in maintaining and preserving the Gen. Wait
House for posterity, and to benefit the residents and visitors to Waitsfield”. Six letters from those
interested to be on the Commission were received rather quickly after it was properly advertised. On Nov.
those people were accepted to be on the Commission by the Selectboard. Now the work begins. An
officer on the Board of our Historical Society is one of those members.
At that same Selectboard meeting, the need for a new roof for the Wait House was a big topic and how to
pay for this, then getting estimates for the job and finally getting on someone’s calendar. This will
hopefully be done in 2024.
October 4th
was our final 2023 Board meeting. One of the Selectboard members attended along with a few
other people. One of them was Alice Evans to discuss her new book “Our Suffering Brave: Waitsfield
Boys & Men in the Civil War”.
Our website changeover is taking longer to complete due to the amount of photos we have to transfer. We
are working through the 800 (+) photos and their titles (where included) to transfer them to the new site
and are looking forward to introducing it to everyone in the new year. Thank you kindly for your patience.
The wait will be worth it.
We have completed several photo albums for research such as “people”, “schools”, “churches”, “floods”,
“views of Waitsfield through the years” and still moving on. Working on one of each historic house with
the names of original owners (if possible).
October through April our Museum and office will be open by appointment only by calling/texting Lois at
802-793-6037or emailing stepback@gmavt.net. We welcome hearing from you anytime and are only
minutes away from the Wait House.
We will again have regular open hours from May through September on Wednesdays from 2: to 5: pm.
Either call or check our website for possible changes.
Within the year, we have had two Board members retire due to illness and the fact that one isn’t in town
most of the year. Chairman positions are needed also. Without these people, it is almost impossible to put
together any programs. You know the saying “many hands”.
If you are interested in becoming an active member or have any questions, please feel free to call Lois at
the above number.
We will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 7th
, 2024 @ 2: pm at the Gen. Wait House. The Board will take
nominations from the floor for attending persons interested in filling our vacant Board positions: Vice
President, Secretary and 3 Directors (Chairmen).
The Agenda will consist of discussion of programs for the year.
Enclosed is your 2024 form to fill out and return. If you know of anyone who would like to be a member
of the Waitsfield Historical Society, a form can be printed from our website, you could make a copy of
yours for them or there are forms on a table outside of our office in the Information Entrance. Also there
is a “Dropbox” there if you wish to save a stamp!
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
Waitsfield Historical Society Board members for 2024:
Lois De Heer, President/Archivist
Bob Burley, Vice President (Temp.)
Shirley Viens, Secretary (Temp.)/Assistant Archivist
Lois De Heer, Treasurer